PFE Migration Updated Scripts

Manual Migration Media

The following scripts are necessary for the manual migration from CentOS to Rocky8 for PFE

Manual Migration Guide - Using the Rocky8 CONTROL NODE v26 download below

Rocky PFE v475 qpkg

Rocky PFE v475 rpm


Ansible Media

The following is necessary for the automated Ansible migration from CentOS to Rocky8 for PFE

CENTOS PFE Migration Guide v25

CENTOS7 CONROL NODE -  CentOS to Rocky8 Ansible Upgrade Bundle v25


ROCKY8 PFE Migration Guide v26

ROCKY8 CONTROL NODE - CentOS to Rocky8 Ansible Upgrade Bundle v26


PFE Recovery Media

SR250 Firmware Updates w/ XML files

Fresh Remote OS Install Video

Rocky 8.9 Minimal ISO

CentOS PFE v475

Install ISO from USB

